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Friday, January 29, 2010

The Low Down Part II

BTW, this info is for those of you who think I do not have the same tempations or distractions as you....well, that is not true at all. I am a 37 year old female that has three boys who can consume everything in sight and still stay slim as pencils. My boys love to eat home baked goodies, candy and chips and they are always ready for swimsuit season (unlike me who must prepare for months). I have tried many times to convert them to healthier snack options, but junk slowly sneaks back into our pantry. Our household has given up sodas and crappy beverages, junkie crackers like Cheese-its, and store bought pastries and cookies. However, we do like to eat out in restaurants, eat dark chocolate and ice cream. It is unrealistic to think that I am going to be able to cook every meal at home or tell the boys that they are never going to be able to have another chocolate chip cookie again. So all you nay-sayers....this is possible!


  1. Does that mean that when I come up to visit there will be no cokes, no Cheese-Its, etc.? Should I bring my own cokes, Peppermint Patties, cashews, and other goodies?

  2. I suspect I can buy a few things for you when you visit....I'll buy the cokes and you can probably eat a good steak, but as far as the cheese-its....they will not be here waiting for you. There are some raw, unsalted cashews that don't taste nearly as yummy as the ones at your house. Good thing is you won't have to worry about eating too many!

  3. I really haven't had much in the way of Cheese-Its lately. And, laying off the cashews will not be a bad thing! And, I will look forward to the good steak! See you in a few days.

  4. We are looking forward to seeing you as well. Looks like the snow in CB is going to be magnificent!
